Home screen with button "Call a volunteer".
Call Volunteer. Will connect you to the first available volunteer speaking your language. Volunteer support is available 24 hours a day in more than 180 languages..

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List of Specialized Help categories.
Specialized Help. Connect with one of our Specialized Help partners for expert support with their products or services. Scroll the Specialized Help menu to see what partners are available in your area..

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One-way Video, Two-way Audio. When making a call, the volunteer or company representative will get access to the feed from your back-facing camera, while you both have access to hear each other..

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100% Anonymous. The volunteer or company representative will not be able to see any information about you - except the information you choose to share with the other party..

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Free and Unlimited. Be My Eyes never charges for service or limits the number of calls you can make. Use the app as much as you’d like!.

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Average Connection Time. The average waiting time before a call connects is less than 30 seconds. If you speak English, it's even faster. Some Specialized Help providers take a little longer, so you may have to be patient or call back again if they miss your call..

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